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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

Express, Elevate, Enjoy

Knowledge in Drama

The Drama Studio is an exciting and expressive space where pupils are challenged to play a range of characters and perform in a variety of theatre styles. Pupils will learn about the origins of different genres of theatre and study diverse plays and extracts. Pupils will be given the tools and time to devise their own performances expressing their views on a range of topics. By the end of their Drama education, pupils will appreciate Drama and Theatre and have the confidence to speak and perform in front of an audience. 

Curriculum in Drama

Our curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to study, improvise, create, rehearse and perform from a range of genres, topics and playscripts throughout KS3 and KS4.  Pupils will use a variety of techniques from different practitioners to create performances and enhance the atmosphere. Pupils will also develop their use of physical and vocal skills to portray characters and convey meaning.  Our Curriculum develops pupils’ understanding of communication and non-verbal communication assisting them beyond the classroom. In addition to performance, pupils will also study design specialisms, ensuring pupils lay a foundation for a wide range of careers in the Performing Arts industry. 


The Drama Curriculum is beneficial to LMHS pupils because they will learn how to use Drama as a learning tool to explore issues, plot, characters, themes that are relevant for the world in which they live. The curriculum develops LMHS pupils’ eloquence and confidence in speaking, giving pupils the opportunity to discuss and express their own ideas, explore issues that matter to them and use Drama to tell stories that interest them. In doing so, we encourage LMHS pupils to find their own voice and use it with confidence in the classroom and beyond. 


Luton is a diverse town with its own theatre, theatre groups, a carnival, all of which use Drama. Pupils will study topics and roles from diverse characters which prepares them to get involved in the performing arts opportunities in their hometown and guides them to have an appreciation for local cultures, backgrounds and beliefs. Pupils will also develop their cultural capital as they will study plays from British theatre makers. 


Luton is also home to, and close to, many Performing Arts Schools, colleges and sixth forms with great Performing Arts courses. Our well rounded curriculum equips pupils with a range of skills and gets them interested in many aspects of Drama. With that in mind, a future studying at one of these facilities is well within reach.

Teaching and Learning in Drama

Across each unit of study pupils engage in individual, paired and group learning activities involving learning the theory behind the topic, creating, rehearsing, refining, performing, analysing and evaluating. Every unit in the curriculum includes key vocabulary, background knowledge, including career paths, and opportunities to develop their acting skills which will build over KS3 and KS4 into a coherent, comprehensive set of tools for accessing, studying and performing drama. We chose our topics of study to ensure a broad, diverse and meaningful curriculum. 


In Year 7, pupils will cover Haunted House and Musical Theatre. 


In Year 8, pupils will cover Fairy Tales and Physical Theatre and Masks.


In Year 9, pupils will cover Acting Skills and Silent Movie: Slapstick. 


These topics at KS3 will allow pupils to learn the Drama basics, develop their confidence, learn drama techniques to explore a stimulus and convey a message to the audience, introduce pupils to different genres of theatre and practitioners and develop as performers.


In KS4, pupils will complete AQAs Drama GCSE where they will devise a piece of theatre using a stimulus, write a devising log of their Devising process and performance, Perform 2 monologues or duologues, study Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman and write a Live Theatre analysis and Evaluation. 


Pupils will be encouraged to attend school trips organised by the Performing Arts Department to further develop their understanding of Drama and Theatre. Links between Performing Arts studies and future career options are used to build and reinforce aspiration.

Assessment in Drama Over the course of each half term pupils engage in regular assessments of progress, both summative and formative with performances and  whole class feedback. Regular assessments accompanied by other externally standardised assessments at key points, monitor the long-term progress and retention of core knowledge and skills. Assessments will include performances to the class to help build pupils’ confidence in performance. 
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Drama

Beyond the classroom, the Performance department offers a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for the pupils to develop their Drama Skills, including Drama Club and Musical Theatre Club. 


These clubs are used as the springboard for entry into performances and competitions throughout the year, giving parents/carers the opportunity to engage and support their child with their child’s interests in Drama and Performing Arts. 


Pupils will also have the opportunity to develop in other Performing Arts Disciplines with a range of Music and Dance Clubs. These clubs include: Choir, Karaoke Club, Ukulele Club, Keyboard Club, Recorder Club, Dance Technique Class and Choreography Class. These clubs are used as the springboard for entry into performances and competitions inside and outside of school throughout the year, giving parents/carers the opportunity to engage and support their child with their child’s interests in Drama and Performing Arts. These performances include regular showcases, Open Evening, providing music for the World Book Day performance, school productions and participation in Cross Trust productions. 


Each year, the Performance Department will organize trips for pupils to further expand pupils’ Theatre knowledge and experience. 


Throughout the academic program, we explicitly encourage parents to support their children with their drama, rehearsals and homework to allow pupils to fully benefit and be enriched from our curriculum, the opportunities we offer and their wider cultural heritage.


Homework is used to challenge pupils to explore their growing interests in Drama and Performance as well as a way for them to extend their learning at home. In addition, Homework is used to challenge pupils to explore their Drama heritage. Each year, The Performance Department will organize trips for pupils to further expand pupils Theatrical knowledge and experience. 


Throughout the academic programme we explicitly encourage parents to support their children with their music, rehearsals and homework to allow pupils to fully benefit and be enriched from our curriculum, the opportunities we offer and their wider cultural heritage.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2


(Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Drama)

Haunted House Musical Theatre Haunted House Musical Theatre Haunted House Musical Theatre


(Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Drama)

Fairy Tales Physical Theatre & Masks Fairy Tales Physical Theatre & Masks Fairy Tales Physical Theatre & Masks


(Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Drama)

Acting Skills Slapstick: Silent Movies Acting Skills Slapstick: Silent Movies Acting Skills Slapstick: Silent Movies

Theatre Roles, Responsibilities and Staging


Acting Skills and Rehearsal Techniques

Responding to a Stimulus


Acting Skills and Rehearsal Techniques

Devising Preparation


Devising Portfolio

Devising Performance


Devising Portfolio

Set Text


Live Theatre


Monologue Preparation


Set Text Revision

Monologue Performance


Live Theatre Revision

Set Text Revision


Live Theatre Revision

Section A Revision


Live Theatre Revision

Curriculum Overview