Food Preparation & Nutrition
Department Intent
Plan. Practice. Create.
Knowledge in Food Preparation & Nutrition |
The Food room is a calm but expressive space where pupils are challenged. In Food and Nutrition we want our pupils to understand food from farm to fork and use this information to make rational food choices throughout their lives. Our aim is to help develop learners with a lifelong love of cooking that allows them to enjoy and achieve, whilst making responsible healthy choices when preparing food for themselves and others in a variety of contexts. In order to do this we equip learners with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills required to make a range of dishes and reflect upon their making experience in order to improve their skills and build resilience.
We are keen to ensure that our learners are aware of healthy food choices and economic and environmental issues. This helps them to become resourceful in the decisions they make around food, and helps prevent a negative impact upon their health and wellbeing in later life.
We have high expectations of all pupils, requiring them to develop knowledge of tools and equipment, time management, organisation and a responsible attitude towards health and safety, all of which are transferable skills.
We endeavour to develop the practical skills of planning, preparing, making and presenting food whilst applying the principles of food science, nutrition, food commodities, diet and healthy eating. We plan to achieve this through skill based practical assessments, time managed tasks and food investigation and experimentation work. This will allow our learners to take advantage of career opportunities in the hospitality sector in the Luton area, ranging from catering services at the airport and airlines operating there to the many restaurants established in the local area. Because of the knowledge that our learners acquire in terms of international cuisine, opportunities for careers in the local context are enhanced, considering the strong multicultural element present in our community. |
Curriculum in Food Preparation & Nutrition |
Our curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to learn new skills and develop exciting ones. KS3 helps our pupils develop confidence in preparing and cooking a range of skilful dishes with consideration to food provenance, food choice and food science. Practical work continues to develop knowledge needed to know how to store, prepare and cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes safely and hygienically. However much of the focus within Year 9 was the adaptation of dishes for culture, religion and dietary needs. During this unit pupils extend their development of where in the world different foods come from and how these commodities are used within a range of practical lessons, with a specific focus on experimenting with food ingredients in preparation for KS4 GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition and to develop a secure knowledge of food science.
This unit builds upon the food preparation skills learnt at KS3 and experimental work carried out at KS3. Examination command words are developed and embedded over several topics throughout the year. The topics builds upon group experimental work completed at KS3 and develops into independent experimental work in Year 10 to demonstrate use of controls, variables and methods of fair testing to help pupils understand the experimental context for Year 11. Building and consolidating knowledge from KS3 to delve further into the science of food and understanding how and why ingredients work in recipes, the scientific knowledge of functional foods. Apply skills and understanding competently to plan, prepare and safely cook dishes and menus for a healthy, varied and balanced diet. |
Teaching and Learning in Food Preparation & Nutrition |
Across each year of study pupils engage in individual, paired and group learning activities involving learning the theory of writing a step by step guide to making, reading recipes, and completing practical’s to enhance skills. Every lesson in the curriculum includes key vocabulary, background knowledge, including career paths, and opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills that build over KS3 and KS4 into a coherent, comprehensive set of tools for accessing, studying Food. Individual lessons draw on prior knowledge and embed that knowledge through a combination of interleaving and spaced learning to define and indicate core content.
We chose our topics of study to ensure a broad, diverse and meaningful curriculum giving pupils a strong foundation to continue throughout KS3 into KS4.
Over all on KS3 we recognise the importance of preparing and cooking food hygienically. Confidently use equipment safely to be engaged in, and enjoy practical work, without the risk of personal or food safety being compromised. Develop a responsibility for safety and the safety of others within the food environment both in school, and within the wider environment of the catering industry. Use current healthy eating advice to choose a varied balanced diet for their needs and those of others. Know that some people eat or avoid certain foods for different reasons, e.g. due to allergy/intolerance, religion. Be aware that food needs change and that some people eat or avoid certain foods, e.g. allergy/intolerance or religious belief. |
Assessment in Food Preparation & Nutrition | Over the course of each half term pupils engage in regular assessments of progress, with whole class feedback and verbal feedback from the teacher. End-of-term knowledge exams, monitor the long-term progress and retention of core knowledge and skills. Assessments will include completion of written Flow Maps and Practical assessment, where we assess timing, skills and health and safety. Feedback is given to pupils verbally after every lesson and pupils evaluate their practical lessons at the beginning of the next lesson. |
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Food Preparation & Nutrition |
Beyond the classroom, the Food department offers an extracurricular opportunities for the pupils to develop their skills and build confidence. Bake off is an opportunity for students to come and build friendships and to gain lifelong skills.
Homework is used to challenge pupils to be organised by bringing in ingredients for practical lessons and to be able to recognise their strengths and weaknesses by completing evaluations. |
Curriculum Journey
Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 | |
7 (Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Food Preparation & Nutrition) |
8 (Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Food Preparation & Nutrition) |
9 (Pupils rotate so will spend 1 term in Food Preparation & Nutrition) |
10 |
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
How are fruit and vegetables grown and processed?
Vitamins & Minerals |
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
How are milk, cheese, eggs and yoghurt grown and processed?
Dietary needs
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
How are Cereals grown and processed?
Carbohydrates |
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
How are meat and poultry grown and processed?
Protein |
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
How are fish is caught, grown and processed?
Fats |
Gain knowledge and understanding of:
June Mock |
11 |
NEA 1 -
Research into functions and properties of food ingredients, including the what and why.
Complete scientific investigations to support their research. |
NEA 2 -
NEA 2 -
Continue their research in greater depth and begin to plan their practical elements.
Practical Exam date TBA |
Food and Nutrition exam preparation:
Food and Nutrition exam preparation:
GCSE Written Examinations |
Curriculum Overview
- 1 Year 7 Curriculum Overview Food Technology
- 2 Year 8 Curriculum Overview Food Technology
- 3 Year 9 Curriculum Overview Food Technology
- 4 Year 10 Curriculum Overview Food Technology
- 5 Year 11 Curriculum Overview Food Technology