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Lea Manor High School


Department Intent

Explore, Discover, Investigate

Knowledge in Geography

Geography at Lea Manor High School teaches pupils the knowledge to understand how the human and physical world depend on each other to survive at every level. Pupils also gain the knowledge to create an overview of the earth as a system. 

We believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills and help pupils develop this during Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. As a department, we define the powerful knowledge our pupils need and help them recall it by using knowledge organisers available on the network for all groups to access.
Curriculum in Geography

Our curriculum in geography provides real stretch and challenge across a broad range of topics. 


We introduce concepts and processes at Key Stage 3 in topics like China, which exemplifies Place Study, a key concept for understanding how human activities impact the natural world. This is developed throughout both key stages. Another concept is the Changing World seen through the introduction of Economic Activities at Key Stage 3. This is not only developed at Key Stage 4 but advanced to look at how economies change over time and the impact it has on the environment. 


Throughout the course, geographic skills are interwoven into every topic and built upon because that is the vehicle that drives the knowledge and understanding of all geographic principles.


The curriculum provides opportunities for collaborative working as well as independent learning. Pupils are explicitly taught skills, knowledge and the vocabulary needed to effectively explain and understand geographical issues in the past, present and future.


We adhere to, but are not limited by the national curriculum provision. This ensures our curriculum caters to the interest of all groups by covering topics that help pupils make meaning of the world they live in and their immediate background and history.

Teaching and Learning in Geography

We aim to create the very best geographers. We challenge pupils to think, act and speak like those working in the field would. We do this through high quality teaching which ensures pupils understand geographical principles and can apply them in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar contexts from around the world. We teach content in its totality and constantly vary topics between human and physical geography to provide a varied and balanced appreciation of the ideas, skills, and topics in this subject. 


We build the cultural capital of our pupils by helping them to understand the contemporary world around them. Pupils learn about how political decisions can cause change in the world around them. They learn about the powerful economic forces around them that are bringing about changes to the way that will affect their future careers. Socially the pupils learn about how countries are at different stages of development and how the lives of people living there are very different. 


Geography also helps to explain the many environmental issues that are changing the world in which these pupils live and how to make sense of these effects.

We do this through activities such as interactive map work, debates, and creating models of human and physical environments.

Assessment in Geography Use of regular assessment for learning, particularly using short recall activities, quizzes, and plenary tasks to help pupils revise knowledge. Opportunities are planned into the curriculum for pupils to develop extended writing skills to evaluate and make decisions. Staff set their own time aside for a regularly planned revision to help the pupils organise and learn their curriculum content.
Learning Beyond the Classroom in Geography

Our curriculum goes far beyond what is taught in lessons, for whilst we want pupils to achieve the very best examination results possible, we believe our curriculum goes further than what is examinable. Pupils will participate in fieldwork, to apply the skills and knowledge learnt in the classroom in real world settings, for example examining regeneration of urban areas, natural processes and ecosystems.


Geography is a powerful bridging subject with strong cross-curricular links to many subjects including science, history, religious education and maths.

Curriculum Journey

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
7 Introduction to Geography and Map Skills UK Geography China Waste Management Fashion Africa
8 Ecosystem Brazil Development Climate Change River study Field Study Skills
9 Coast Population Waste and Resources Living Spaces Crime Crime Project
10 Natural Hazards Climate Change

Ecosystems 1


Tropical Rainforest

Ecosystems 2


Desert Environment

Coasts Getting Year 11 Ready
11 Urbanisation Changing Economic World Changing Economic World

Resources Management 


Field trip 2

Revision and Exam Preparation Year 11 Exam Season

Curriculum Overview